Fed Lowers Interest Rates: Now What?

September 18, 2024

Today was a significant day as the Fed lowers the Interest Rate.

What does this mean for you, as a business owner?

What is the Fed and what do they do??

The Federal Reserve (often called “the Fed”) is tasked with monitoring the economy.

They control monetary policy (how much money is in circulation). And most importantly, they set the prime lending rate. This rate then serves as a benchmark for all loans, commercial and residential.

The Fed is watching major economic trends, specifically employment rate and inflation rate.

When the Fed lowers interest rates, they are stimulating growth. The Fed’s lower rate indicates a slowdown of inflation. In addition, the rate is designed to boost hiring.

A lower interest rate brings certain advantages, including:

  • Loans will now be cheaper. The cost to borrow money will now be cheaper by about .5%. That adds up!
  • Demands for new loans will now increase. So your project needs to show strength to lenders to move you to the front of the queue.
  • Now is a very good time to consider a refinance, especially for high interest loans.
  • Fixed versus variable interest rates. Rates probably will not go down further (by much) in the short term. It might be better to lock in rates now.
  • Lower rates don’t make everything perfect. A distressed property is still a distressed property and will still be difficult to finance.

Be realistic about business expenses. Simply put, if you are contemplating a purchase of a new business or refinancing a maturing note, you need to know how much a loan will cost you. Fortunately, our GRP Capital team can help you look at options. We will examine possible loan terms, so you can know the nuts and bolts. What will the monthly payment be? Is that a reasonable price to pay?

Variables to Consider about all Loans:

• Interest Rate: What is the rate and is it fixed or variable? Be sure to understand how your lender calculates a variable interest rate. Is there a floor or a ceiling?

• Prepayment Penalties: Many loans have a prepayment penalty if you exit the loan quickly. If you are looking at a loan for a short term, be sure you consider this aspect. It may not make sense to exit a loan when you consider the penalty.

If you would like to discuss loan options or any other business plans, feel free to contact our team.  We can conduct a business evaluation, reach out to our lenders, offer advice on bidding and secure financing for you. An initial business evaluation is complimentary.

  • consult
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  • consulting
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  • Fed rate
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  • Federal Reserve
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  • high interest
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  • low interest
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  • maturing loan
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  • prime rate
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  • refi
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  • refinance
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  • variable rate
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